Just loving' life . . .

It’s just simple! Find your happy. Choose to live a life on purpose! My mission is to encourage a lifestyle that facilitates a healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit.

We never truly arrive – living on this earth isn't supposed to get easier, we're just supposed to get better. It's a can do, for sure thing.

Photo Cred: Kristie Belliston

Jacquese A Council-Silvas (JACS)

Working on my fitness has been a part of my very being for as long as I can remember. I am a fitness & wellness professional . You’ll hear me saying, “oh, that’s my favorite!” The truth is I’ve learned to find a lot of fun in fitness! Strength training, cardio, mind/body, all of it! I throw some fun 5Ks in there and hiking!  It's about the moving, moving, moving!  The inspiration comes from the challenge to be able to say "I can do that!"

I'm inspired to help people tap into that inner power that makes them feel bold, courageous, and fearless - to know that there are no limits. We all have it in us to live our best life.  And not just live,  but push through mountains of roadblocks and barriers, to get to a place that leaves us satisfied at the end of each day. Living is a tricky thing, because life can throw you some serious curve balls.  We lost our 23-year old son in January of 2014, unexpected, beyond painful, and devastating.  That was a lot bigger than a curve ball!  I've learned as time and experiences mature us, that life doesn't get easier, we just get better and stronger, love harder, and see things more clear. Determined. Tenacious.  Spirited. By choosing to live on purpose, and maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit, life is limitless.

If you’re reading this, I’m hoping that you’ll be inspired . . . and at the very least, that you’ll give me an opportunity to make a difference in your life!